Roshan Gharana Scheme Eligibility Criteria and Application Process 2024

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched the Roshan Gharana decisions, which indicates to supply office to 50,000 residents during the beginning. The plan is split into parts, with the first phase offering 50,000 families one KV solar system. Applicable families consumed up to 100 units of renewable energy on an annual basis over the past sixty days. The pilot component of the effort is currently underway and the eligibility requirements along with the application interprets will be discussed in this piece of writing.

Roshan Gharana in June Budget

The Rs 9.5 billion budget is given to renewable energy installations for homes employing up to 100 units of dominance, encompassing free solar systems, green power solutions, and agricultural help.

Scheme NameRoshan Gharana Scheme 2024
Registration ProcessVisit the nearest Bank of Punjab, fill out the form, attach documents, and submit.

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Who Is Eligible For Roshan Gharana

The Punjab government has earned qualifying rules for the Roshan Gharana determination, which is just available to homeowners that match specific criteria. The criteria involve originating from Punjab, controlling a Pakistani registration card, working for the government, residing in another part of Pakistan that has a Punjab ID card, and receiving an electricity bill for the last six months.

Individuals without a Pakistani ID card, anyone having a Punjab ID card but living in another region of Pakistan, along those who have paid an electrical bill in the six months before their application are eligible.

Required Documents for Solar Scheme

The filing procedure involves a scanned copy of your CNIC, property power recording, current utility statements, and proof of a monthly salary.

Registration Process For Roshan Gharana Scheme

Roshan Gharana Scheme Registration Procedure

  • Visit the nearest Bank of Punjab branch.
  • Obtain the Roshan Gharana Scheme registration form from the representative.
  • Fill out all required information on the form.
  • Attach hard copies of the necessary documents to the registration form.
  • Submit the application form back to the representative.
  • Once the registration period ends, 50,000 lucky winners will be provided with 1 KV solar system by the government.
  • If more than 50,000 families submit applications, a lottery will be held to select 50,000 lucky winners.


The Roshan Gharana program, acknowledged by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, is a first-of-its-kind risk to promote renewable energy and reduce energy prices for financially weak and meritorious families. Qualified families can finish the registration process by following the steps stated in the previous section. Additionally, if a family needs additional details in this respect, they can obtain it by simply leaving an observation in the area below.

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Which is enrolled for the Roshan Gharana scheme?

People from the Punjab have a Pakistani registration certificate who have been given an electricity bill in the six months preceding the present and applied up to 100 units of energy in the two months before that.

All papers should be submitted for the Roshan Gharana Scheme application.

A computerized copy of your CNIC, title verification, current utility invoices, and verification of your monthly earnings.

When can I sign out for the Roshan Gharana Scheme?

Look out for the closest Bank of Punjab leaf, fill out a registration form, attach every required document, and hand it over to a bank representative. If more than 50,000 entries are collected, participants will be determined by raffle.

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